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How To Create Catchy Names For Your Presentations… In 5 Minutes Or Less!

The most important ingredient when marketing your presentation, your workshop, webinar, or any live event is giving it a catchy name.

Did you know you could spend days and days writing the best copy on the landing page, bullet points of who it’s for, why they should come, but most people will just see the name of the event and make the decision to attend or not attend based on that name! So you can see the name is vitally critical.

You can have the best marketing strategies, Facebook ads, email marketing, website, all of that different stuff, but if people don’t see the value proposition, if you haven’t given them the, “What’s in it for me? Why should I come?” succinctly in a catchy name, then none of the other things are really going to matter. And you’ll be attracting people who either aren’t your client or aren’t interested at all.

The other great thing about having a catchy name is it allows people to both remember and refer their friends and family to come. If you don’t have a catchy name, people aren’t going to remember it, and if they don’t remember it, they can’t refer their friends or family.

There are many ways that you can create this catchy name, but in this video, I just wanted to give you a simple yet powerful formula of how to do it. It’s the same formula as this actual video or this blog post’s name, which is “How to Create Catchy Names for Your Presentations… in Five Minutes or Less”.

I’ll break it down for you.

1. How To

The first part is how to. People want to know how to do things these days. You can see a lot of the videos on YouTube, a lot of the blog posts are how-to videos, so why not spell it out for people and have it start off with how to?

2. Verb

The next part after how to is the verb. You want a doing word. In this example, I’ve got “How to Create”, but we’ve created other event names, like “How to Become a Highly Successful Coach”, so the verb there is become.

3. Benefit

You want to do a how to followed by a verb and then the benefit. There are so many people I see get their event name or their presentation name wrong, because they’re talking about what they’re going to teach and not actually talking about the benefit.

In this example, like this video, I’ve got “How to Create a Catchy Name For Your Presentation”. That’s the benefit.

People don’t care about what you’ve got to teach, your feature. They don’t care that you’re going to talk about hypnotherapy or tarot card reading or anything like that. They only care about the benefit. What does that do? Does it get me six-pack abs, financial freedom, abundance? Am I going to predict my future and avoid catastrophes? Whatever it happens to be.

We’ve got “how to”, a verb, like “create” or “discover”, then a benefit. In this example, “Create a Catchy Name”, and the last part, which is an optional part, is the time frame… ie how long will this take me? People want to get a specific time frame of when they can get their result. That’s why I’ve got “How to Create a Catchy Name for Your Presentation in Five Minutes or Less.”

I know that this works so many ways. We’ve created events called “How to Become a Highly Successful Coach”. We’ve got this one, “How to Create a Catchy Name”. Our very first event that we ran in 2009 with Authentic Education was called “How to Change for Good”.

Using Alliteration

If you’re wondering how you can make it a little bit more catchy, the most simple and powerful way I know is to just use alliteration, so having the same letter multiple times in the words that you use, like I’ve got “Create a Catchy Name”. That’s a lot better than “How to Make a Catchy Name”.

There’s just something about the human brain, when it sees alliteration like “Create a Catchy Name”, “Prosper from Your Passion”, “Wealth from Workshops”, when it sees that, it’s more memorable. It seems more legit, seems more legitimate, like it’s a professional thing, because you’ve got that alliteration.

You can always Google. Let’s say you’ve got an event called “How to Get Six-Pack Abs”, but you don’t want to use the word get. You want alliteration, so all you got to do is type into Google, “Verbs starting with S,” and instead of calling it “How to Get Six-Pack Abs”, it could be something like How to “Summon Six-Pack Abs”.

If you use this format, “how to, a verb, benefit, and a time frame”, like “How to Create Catchy Names in Five Minutes or Less”, you’ll see people are way more interested in your presentation, they’re way more likely to book your webinar or whatever you’ve got, and they’re way more likely to show up to your next presentation, too.

I hope that really helps you, and until we meet again, just remember, you don’t have to get it right. You just have to get it started.

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